Basic idea about Computer (Part two)

Basic idea about ComputerBasic idea about Computer (Part two) . After the part one this is the Basic idea about Computer? (Part Two) part two for new users-

Click Here for Part One.


We know that Computer is Programmable Electronic Device. The word “computer” comes from the word “compute” Which means to calculate. Hence a computer is normally considered to a calculating device, which can perform arithmetic operations enormous speed.



1. What is Computer?
2. Functions and operations of a Computer?
3. What Types/Categories of computers by size and Capabilities?
4. According to Signal computers are 3 types.
5. Applications of computer?
6. Basic History about a Computer.
7. Limitation of computer.
8. Bit?
9. Computer Hardware.
10. Some device name and example.

Basic idea about Computer (Part two)

1. What is Computer?
We know that Computer is Programmable Electronic Device. The word “computer” comes from the word “compute” Which means to calculate. Hence a computer is normally considered to a calculating device, which can perform arithmetic operations at enormous speed.


2. Functions and operations of a Computer?
A computer is basically five major functions or operations irrespective of their size and make.

These are –
1) It accepts data or instructions by way of input
2) It stores data
3) it can process data as required by the user
4) it gives results in the form of output
5) it controls all operations inside a computer.


3. What Types/Categories of computers by size and Capabilities?

According to size, processing Speed computers are classified into following types-

1. Super computer 2. Mainframe computer.
3. Mini computer. 4. Micro Computer:- (a) Desk Top (b) Lap Top (c) Palm Top.

1. Super Computer: Super computer is the fasted, most powerful computer and also very expensive computer. It is used to process large amount of data to solve complicated scientific problem. for Example a Super computer world be used for weather forecasting, nuclear energy research. Example – CRAY

2. Mainframe computer: Mainframe computers are also large scale computer. But super computer are larger than mainframe computer. It can support a large amount/ number of various equipments. It has Multiprocessors. Example- IBM 6120

3. Mini Computer: Mini computers are smaller in size, have lower processing speed and also have lower cost than Mainframe computer. Example- IBM S/36.

4. Micro Computer: Microprocessor are used in micro computer. These computer are very small in size and Price. Example- IBM PC.


4. According to Signal computers are 3 types.

1. Digital Computer – It operates basis on binary number.

2. Analog Computer – It operates basis on electronic signal.

3. Hybrid Computer – It consist of digital and Analog.


5. Applications of computer?

  1. Composing: Computer is used for word processing and Compose.
  2. Accounting: Computer is used for financial and mathematical calculation.
  3. Communication: Computer is used for communication such as internet.
  4. Medical technology: Computer is used for diagnose disease.
  5. Education: Computer is used as an educational element.
  6. Entertainment: Computer is used for Audio, Video, Games and chatting.


6. Basic History about a Computer.

The ABACUS was an early aid for mathematical computations and it may be considered the first computer. Its consists of rings and slice over rods. It was still now for computer.

In 16642, Blaise Pascal was invented a numerical wheel calculator. Its limitation to addition.

In 1694, Gott fried Wilhem Von Leibniz was improved Pascal calculating conception and creats a machine that could also multiply.

In 1833, Charles Babbage made a calculating or computing machine, Which name was analytical engine. It consisted over 50,000 components. It consists of 3 basic units. These are i) Input unit, ii) Process Unit and iii) Output Unit.

Scientist Lady Ada Agusta, Frank Bondwing, Dr. Hormen Holderith, Howard ICan, Dr. Jhon Mousli, Prosper Ekert, Jhon Von neuman, Mourice Wilkies kept a lot of contribution to make today’s modern computer.


 7. Limitation of computer.

  1. Programming: Computer is programmed by human. Without a program computer is nothing.
  2. Thinking: The computer can not think itself.
  3. Self-care: Computer can not care itself like a man.
  4. Retrieval of memory: A human mind can think randomly. But computer can not think randomly.
  5. Feelings: Computer has no feelings.

 Basic idea about Computer (Part two)

8. Bit?

A binary digit is called bit.

Byte : 8 bit = 1 byte
1024 byte = 1 Kilobyte.
1024 Kilobyte = 1 Megabyte.
1024 Megabyte = 1 Gigabyte (1 GB).
1024 Gigabyte = 1 Terabyte.
1024 Terabyte = 1 Petabyte.
1024 Petabyte = 1 Exabyte.
1024 Exabyte = 1 Zettabyte.
1024 Zettabyte = 1 Yottabyte.


9. Computer Hardware.

The physical parts of computer are called computer hardware.

Example :

i)  Input Device : Mouse, Key board etc.
ii) Output device : Monitor, Printer etc.
iii) Memory device : HDD, FD, Pen drive etc.
iv) Processing device – Microprocessor, Bit slice p etc.


10. Some device name and example.

i) Input device :
The hardware device that sends information to the computer is called input device.

Some common input device are :

a) Key board. b) Mouse. c) Scanner. d) Digital camera. e) Joy stick. f) Light Pen. g) Web cam h) Microphone i)  Touch pad  j) MODEM etc.

ii) Output device:
The hardware device that gives result to us is called output device.

Some common output device are:

a) Monitor b) Printer c)Speaker d) Plotter e)Multimedia Projector etc.

iii) Memory device or storage device:
The hardware device that store data, information and image is called memory device.

Some memory device are:

a) RAM b) ROM c) HDD d) FDD e) CD f) DVD g) Pen drive etc.