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Niaz Mehdi MahiNiaz Mehdi Mahi

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PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, REST API, WordPress, Objective-C, Unix Environment, Apache, Cloud Infrastructure, Scalability and web application developer, who likes the LAMP environment for developing API centric apps with Zend, Laravel, Kohana, and finds fun in Mobile application development with Objective-C, Java and HTML5 for iOS,Android  and lastly strict on cool UI/UX.

I am very skilled and energetic in computer based task since 1996 such as Web Design, CMS, CSS, HTML, WordPress, Content writing, Blog writing, Data Entry, M/S Word, M/S Excel, (M/S Office), Illustrator, Photo Shop, Paint, Graphics Design, Change Background of Image, Logo Design, Proof Reading, Translating, Computer Trouble Shooting, Software Management, Hobby circuit, Computer Tips and Tricks, online solution etc.

I am expert in computer hardware and troubleshooting. Motherboard, Processor, HDD, RAM, FDD, VGA, AGP, CD ROM, DVD ROM, Writer, Power Supply, Cooling, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, AC and DC Power, Head Phone, Modem, Mobile Hardware and all the trouble may be solved from our section.

If any questions about our tips and tricks Contact Me and we will try to solve your problems.

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