How to fill up primary assistant teacher application form?

How to fill up primary assistant teacher application form? Primary application form submission rule for all the job hunter as a demo. You can fill up the primary assistant teacher application form very easily if you have a Computer with Internet connection and need a Scanner for upload an image and signature. If you want to download or print a copy for your future need so you have to need a printer. However this tips and images will help you very clearly fill up primary assistant teacher application form.

This is not a hard work but mind it this your job’s application form so, please fill up the primary assistant teacher application form very carefully.

How to fill up primary assistant teacher application form?

Primary application form submission rule

apply form 1

apply form 2-1

apply form 2-2

apply form 2-3

apply form 2-4

apply form 3-1

apply form 3-2

How to fill up primary assistant teacher application form?

Follow the link:

  1. Click the link first
  2. Click the application Form link ( see the image)
  3. Click Assistant Teacher radio button
  4. Click Next
  5. See the link above
  6. Type the bellow options:

This is the category of primary assistant teacher application form

  1. Applicant’s Name
  2. Father’s Name
  3. Mother’s Name
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Gender
  6. Special Quota ( if you have No Quota check the “ No “ radio button )
  7. Nationality
  8. National ID
  9. Marital Status
  10. Present Address
  11. Permanent Address
  12. Mobile Number
  13. Confirm Number (This is must be your personal mobile number)
  14. Academic Qualifications
  15. Validation Code (This is a simple captcha code)
  16. Click the check box ( The above information is correct and I would like to go to the next step. )
  17. Click Next

Check the above form which you filled recently.

  1. Click Upload Photo
  2. Click Upload Signature
  3. Click the check box ( I declare that the information provided in this form are correct, true and complete …….)
  4. Click Submit the Application

This is the primary assistant teacher circular 2014 Click Here 

Here is the primary assistant teacher official web site Click Here 

Primary assistant teacher application web site powered by Teletalk Click Here 

You will get primary assistant teacher circular 2013 with SMS rules and more Click Here

How to fill up primary assistant teacher application form?

primary assistant teacher application form

primary assistant teacher application form

primary assistant teacher application form

primary assistant teacher application form

The above images are the sources of Directorate of Primary Education and The applications are powered by Teletalk.

See the instruction 1,2 and 5 and follow the link for further details.

This is the instructions of primary assistant teacher application form:

primary assistant teacher application form

primary assistant teacher application form

If the tips are helpful for you please share it from below.