How to get keyboard shortcut of Microsoft Word?
This is the some keyboard shortcut of Microsoft Word. You can get some idea about your computer’s keyboard. When you work at Microsoft Word then you can use the shortcut key board command for your fastness work.
How to get keyboard shortcut of Microsoft Word?
I think your are known about that. But this is only for new users. So Don’t be crazy.
How to get keyboard shortcut of Microsoft Word?
Main Category for menu Bar:
Alt+F = File
Alt+E = Edit
Alt+V = View
Alt+I = Insert
Alt+O = Format
Alt+T = Tools
Alt+A = Table
Alt+W = Window
Alt+H = Help
For File Menu:
Ctrl+O = Open
Ctrl+S = Save
Ctrl+P = Print
For Edit Menu:
Ctrl+Z = Undo
Ctrl+Y = Redo
Ctrl+X = Cut
Ctrl+C = Copy
Ctrl+V = Paste
Ctrl+A = Select All
Ctrl+F = Find
Ctrl+H = Replace
Ctrl+G = Go To
For View Menu:
Ctrl+F1 = Task Pane
For Insert Menu:
Ctrl+K = Hyperlink
Alt+I+P+C = Picture
For Format Menu:
Alt+O+F = Font
Alt+O+C = Column
Alt+O+E = Change Case
Alt+O+T = Tab
For Tools Menu:
F7 = Spelling and Grammar
Alt+T+A = Auto Correct Options
Alt+T+C = Customize
Alt+T+O = Options
For Table Menu:
Alt+A+w = Draw Table
Alt+A+I+T = Insert Table
Alt+A+D+T = Delete Table
Alt+A+D+C = Delete Columns
Alt+A+D+R = Delete Rows
Alt+A+D+E = Delete Cells
Alt+A+M = Merge Cells
Alt+A+P = Split Cells
Alt+A+S = Short
For Window Menu:
Alt+W+N = New Window
For Help Menu: How to get keyboard shortcut of Microsoft Word?
F1 = Microsoft Office Word Help
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