How to get some important tips about function key?

How to get some important tips about function key? We will try to learn and this is absolutely for new users. We know that a computer keyboard contains some functions key like F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11 and F12. There are many functions of that key. Today we will know some tips about functions key.

How to get some important tips about function key?

F1 key: Help

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F2 key: Rename (e.g. create a new folder/select a folder and press F2)

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F3 key: Search

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F4 key: Alt + F4 ( to close programs )

How to get some important tips about function key?
How to get some important tips about function key?

F5 key: M/S Word Find a word

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F6 key: Place Cursor into Address Bar

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F7 key: Caret Browsing on or off.


How to get some important tips about function key?

F8 key: Safe Mode

How to get some important tips about function key?

F9 key: Open Measurement Tools Bar

How to get some important tips about function key?

F10 key: Browser Menu

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F11 key: Full Screen

How to get some important tips about functions key?

How to get some important tips about function key?

F12 key: Save As

How to get some important tips about function key?

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