How to set date and time format on windows 7

Introductions about the tips:

How to set date and time format on windows 7. This is important tips for windows 7 new users. See the task bar and you will see your date format is not suitable for you. dd/mm/yyyy is the choice able format for you. Absolutely am I right?

So, Ready to work for that purpose. See the images carefully and it must done for you.

How to set date and time format on windows 7

 How to set date and time format on windows 7

 How to set date and time format on windows 7

How to set date and time format on windows 7

Follow the tips and get a good results:

1. Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Click Category ( View by Category )
4. Click Clock, Language and Region
5. Click change the date, time and number format
6. Date and Time Formats:
(a) Short Date
(b) Long Date
(c) Short Time
(d) Long Time
(e) First Day of week

7. Click Apply
8. Click OK

You can set more options: see the images—

How to set date and time format on windows 7

How to set date and time format on windows 7

9. Click Additional settings

10. Click—— Numbers, Currency, Time and Date Tab
11. Set the options which you want to more
12. Click Apply
13. Click OK

Your computer will ready for your personal formats as Numbers, Currency, Time and Date.

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