How to set date and time including currency and numbers?

How to set date and time including currency and numbers?

This is the setting of regional and language options of your computer’s control panel sections. You can set the Date, Time, Currency, Date and time Formatting, Short Date, Long Date, Digit grouping symbol, Decimal symbol etc.

It is the essential tips for new users for that purpose.

How to set date and time including currency and numbers?

See the images carefully and it will done for you.

How to set date and time including currency and numbers?

How to set date and time including currency and numbers?

How to set date and time including currency and numbers?


Processing Methods:

1. Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Click the Switch to Category View (Left side of the panel) See the images

if it was set firstly then you need not do anything. ( Switch to Classic View)

4. Double Click on the Regional and Language Options Logo
5. Set the functions (If need)
6. Click Customize Tab
7. You can Set Currency, Time and Date ( From the upper Tab )
8. Click Apply
9. Click OK

All the settings will be changed if you want.

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