How to show date and time on notepad tricks? Date and time is the important for all users. Basically you can see the date and time on the task bar below. But here is the simple tips for all new users who can make date and time by using notepad tips and tricks. Just follow the code and you can see the date and time instantly.
For example:
This is the short example for notepad tips and tricks about the creation or show date and time on notepad and command prompt. When you click the clock .bat file or click the .LOG file the date and time will be shown as a current schedule. Like this is 30/08/2013 01:00 AM.
How to show date and time on notepad tricks?
See the images chronologically and How to show date and time on notepad tricks?
Follow the total fourth tips below:
First categories:
- Open a drive
- Just for test ( Create a New folder )
- On the New folder right click on the mouse
- Click Notepad or Text Document
- Type the code ( .LOG ) without bracket
- Save the file as the name “clock”
- Close the Notepad
Double click the Notepad like “clock” and it will view the current date and time instantly.
How to show date and time on notepad tricks?
Second categories only Time:
- Open a drive
- Just for test ( Create a New folder )
- On the New folder right click on the mouse
- Click Notepad or Text Document
- Type the code into the Notepad
@echo off
title DOS-Based Clock
color 0a
echo The current time is: %time%
goto CLOCK
- Save the file as the name “clock.bat” without quote
- Close the Notepad
- Double click the Clock file
- See the current time.
How to show date and time on notepad tricks?
Third categories Date and Time:
- Open a drive
- Just for test ( Create a New folder )
- On the New folder right click on the mouse
- Click Notepad or Text Document
- Type the code into the Notepad
@echo off
title DOS-Based Clock
color 0a
echo The current time and date is: %date% %time%
goto CLOCK
- Save the file as the name “clock.bat” without quote
- Close the Notepad
- Double click the Clock file
- See the current time.
Fourth categories Date and Time with for color changing:
See the image below and follow the color code if you need.
How to show date and time on notepad tricks?
The colors into the text :-
0 = Black and this is background
a = Light Green and this is text color
For color list panel open command prompt and write
( help color ) Or ( color /? ) (without the brackets)
If the tips are helpful for you, so please send us a feedback from interpersonal communication or comments us from below for our best impression. It takes just some seconds.