How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

Introductions about the tips:

How to show tools bar row on visual editor? Visual editor is a essential editing tools bar where most of the tools display for editing articles. There are mainly two rows. Row one and Row two. Many users have a question How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

This is the editing mode of and if you are a new user you must need the visual mode from the text mode. It contains two rows like row 1 and row 2.

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How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

ROW ONE: When the visual editor mode Row one display some categories :

  1. Bold
  2. Italic
  3. Strikethrough
  4. Unordered list ( like symbol )  How to show tools bar row on visual editor?
  5. Ordered list ( like number )
  6. Block-quote ( like invited comma )
  7. Left align
  8. Centre
  9. Right align
  10. Link
  11. Unlink
  12. Tag ( like more )
  13. Spelling
  14. Free writing mode
  15. Kitchen Sink (Need For this Article)

See the images below and this is only row one.

How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

ROW TWO: When the visual editor mode Row Two display some categories :

  1. Format
  2. Underline
  3. Justify
  4. Font Color
  5. Paste (plain text)
  6. Paste (From Microsoft Word)
  7. Remove Formating
  8. Custom Character
  9. Out-dent
  10. Indent
  11. Undo
  12. Redo
  13. Help

How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

See the image:

How to show tools bar row on visual editor?

This is Dashboard image.

How to show tools bar row on visual editor?


Just Click the Kitchen Sink ( RED MARK) so, you can hide or unhide the rows.

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