Sanitary Inspector admission results 2014-15 has been published. Sanitary Inspector admission result IHT Session 2014-2015 has been published. Applicant are invited for 3 years course with internship under the DGHS and State medical faculty of Bangladesh which is called Institute of Health Technology (IHT) situated in Dhaka, Rajshahi, Bogra, Chittagong, Barishal, Rangpur and Jhinaidah. Sanitary Inspector admission results notice has been published about admission in Institute of Health Technology (IHT) for Sanitary Inspector (SIT), Session 2014-2015. Eligible candidates are hereby requested for the admission according to the instructions given in the attached notice below the link .
No need to attendant any examination on Sanitary Inspector admission but also need some criteria like that see the images below after clicking the link.
- S.S.C or equivalent marks will count 6%
- H.S.C or equivalent marks will count 8%
- Experience 2 marks each year (not more than 10 marks)
- Applicant age less than 40 years (by the year 01/01/2015)
Sanitary Inspector admission results 2014-15
Sanitary Inspector admission results 2014-15
The official web site of DGHS and get more info:
You can check more details about The State Medical Faculty of Bangladesh
The State Medical Faculty of Bangladesh Address :
203, Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Sharani
(86, Bijoy Nagar) Dhaka-1000
Telephone :+88-02-9564049
Fax : +88-02-9571534
E-mail : [email protected]
You can see the admission notice
All the sources from: The official web site of DGHS and under the MOHFW and The State Medical Faculty of Bangladesh. (see the link above).
if the results are helpful for you please share it from below.