Short code of mobile phone to get SMS Minutes and Data. It’s very simple task for everybody check mobile number and get short message and minutes and data, But some of the people who unable to reach to know their own mobile number and they can’t receive some SMS by using tiny amount from Teletalk or GrameenPhone or Balglalink or Citycell or Robi or Airtel for those person must like the post. Just dial a simple code without free of cost (some different place) you can get it. Follow the instructions and type the code on your mobile phone and send it. You will get it.
Short code of mobile phone to get SMS Minutes and Data
For Banglalink users check mobile number:- *511#
Banglalink: 100 SMS 1.14 tk
Active Code: *222*8# (Auto Renew)
Deactive Code: *222*9#
SMS Check: *124*3#
Free missed call alert: 770
For GrameenPhone users check own mobile number:- *2#
GrameenPhone : 100 SMS 5 tk
Active Code:*111*10*6#
For SMS Check:*566*2#
5 taka 17 minutes: *111*10*8#
10 taka 40 minutes: *111*29#
70 taka 200 minutes: *111*10*11#
For check minutes: *566*20#
For SMS check: *566*3#
(VAT applicable)
Free missed call alert: 1266
For Teletalk users check own mobile number:-
write new sms ” Tar ” and send to ‘ 222 ‘ or *551#
For Robi users check own mobile number:- *140*2*4#
Robi :100 SMS 5 tk
Active Code:*8444*22#
SMS Check:*222*11#
Robi-Any Sim: 100 SMS 10 taka Only
Active Code:*8666*1000#
Free missed call alert: 8121
For Airtel users check own mobile number:- *121*6*3#
Airtel: 500 SMS 5.65 tk
Active Code: ” Y ” and send to —4000
Free missed call alert: 789
For citycell users check own mobile number :-
Write new sms MDN and send 7678
or ” Help ” and send to ” 2255 ”
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You can get more tips about mobile phone. Click Here.
This is a fun tips but must read it. Click Here.
About free missed call alert. Click Here.