Turn Automatic Updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP

Turn automatic updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP Every users get some notification from windows 7 or Windows XP. For Example Your computer might be at risk. Just Turn Automatic Updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP.


Turn Automatic Updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP

Turn Automatic Updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP


Turn Automatic Updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP

Like that Widows automatic send a message for you that upgrade your computer.
But you can stop or upgrade the windows automatically. This is very simple tips for perfect users but if you are unknown so this is for you.

Sometimes its may be a disturb, So How can stop or fix the notification from windows automatic updating? You can follow our tips and get an idea about the mater.

See the all images first and follow the tips-


 Turn Automatic Updating on or off Windows 7 or Windows XP

1. Click Start
2. Click Control panel
3. or Right Click on My computer Icon
4. Click Properties
5. Click Windows Update Logo (if you are on control panel)
6. Click Change Settings
7. From Important Updates:-
(a) Never check for updates (not recommended)
(b) Un check the box ( recommended updates )
(c) Un check the box ( Who install updates )

8. Click OK

If any problems to finish the task:

  1. Image must be followed
  2. Follow the first step tips carefully
  3. Further help please contact us.

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