Masters final result 2011

Masters final result 2011 has been published today. National University, Bangladesh all rights reserved. National university Masters final result 2011 has been published today. You can get more info from National University official web site. Click Here. and Click Here for details. Degree pass third year result and subsidiary result and certificate course examination results has been published also. results


Masters final result 2011

  1. Click the Masters button
  2. Fill up the form like
  3. Masters final
  4. Exam roll
  5. Exam Year
  6. Click Search Result

You can print the result see the top of the page.

You can check the result via mobile phone. Example see the below:

  1. Type NU
  2. Space
  3. Type MAS
  4. Space
  5. Roll No

Example: NU_MAS_1234567

and Send the message 16222 ( Charge applicable ).

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